A downloadable game

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Food Jam is a Cooperative Card Game, based on the Extra Credits August 2019 Game Jam theme of “Passage” and attempting the “Extra Credit Challenge” to use eating Jam as a game mechanic.  The term “Passage” was interpreted as the “process of overcoming obstacles to reach a goal.” In Food Jam the players are tasked with building a balanced plate of food, however there are many obstacles that the players must pass through and overcome in order to complete this task. Much as with real world food security and nutrition the players will have to overcome obstacles related to income inequality, dietary and health restrictions, and food expiration. However it is only through navigating these obstacles that the passage to food security and balanced nutrition is found.


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FoodJamV1.pdf 2.5 MB


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I am obviously a HUGE fan of the use of eating jam as a gameplay mechanic! Food games are great!

I also very much appreciate the colorful, overall pleasing and readable graphic design of the tabletop booklet, as it makes it much easier to quickly understand how gameplay works. Finally, I appreciate that there's an inherently educational purpose/design intention, as both the actual mechanics (and the short writeup in the booklet) draw attention to a real and present social issue.

I'm sure playtesting this must have been delicious ;) After the jam's locked period ends, I'd love to see the booklet get another writing/editing pass (just for polish, clarifying punctuation, etc.). This seems like it would be a fun game to demonstrate in-person at conventions and local game-dev meetups or parties (maybe even with a short gameplay video on this itchio page?). I've seen a couple of food-based games get demonstrated/played at events like that, successfully.


Thanks for the feedback! There are definitely a few edits I have in mind that'll be implemented once the game lock is done. It was an absolute blast to make, although I did get a little sick of jam during play testing.